Short Info


Deutsch-Ghanaischer Entwicklungshilfeverein e.V.

PO Box 22 22
D-24021 Kiel

Phone: +49(0)431737641

Legal status:

Registered as non profitable association since 1993.

Why has the NGO founded?

Improving education in rural areas in Ghana (regions Teshie and Ada)

Goals, statutes purpose:

Promoting the development of Accra and its environs in particular by the construction of schools and health stations.
Projects with the aim of helping people to help themselves.

Target groups:

Rural populations, fishermen, farmers, single women with children.

Highlights of project funding:

Health, education, water supply, sanitation, crafts and training.

Country focus:


Region / city:

Teshie and Ada


Self-help groups and NGO's and cooperation with municipalities

Structure of NGOs:

On basis of democracy existing associations and registered clubs

Number of Employees:

Full: 0
Volunteers: 10

Number of Projects:

Ongoing: 2
Planned: 1

Budget (€):

2003 2004 2005 3,000 3,000 4,000

Distribution of the 2005 spending:

  • Development projects 25%
  • Educational work (domestic) 75%
  • Emergency 0%
  • Other: 0%

2005 sponsored by:

  • Posts 15%
  • Donate 25%
  • Investment income 0%
  • Public subsidies 50% Other resources 10%

Cooperation structures:

Domestic: cooperation with the Department for Migration in Kiel, projects with schools in Schleswig-Holstein
International: cooperation with Teshie Mannoyaa Kpee and German-Ghanaischem development aid association in Ghana